This website is the work of two beer can and breweriana collectors
that view this hobby for what it is meant to be a fun and entertaining
hobby. We enjoy adding items to our collections as well as meeting
new people and treating them fairly. This mentality applies to both
selling and buying items since our motto as stated on the home page is “A
deal is not a GOOD deal unless both parties are happy.” Actually,
this thought must continue long after the deal has been made. We
stand behind what we sell. We want to treat you fair when buying
your items, so that we can be sure that you STAY happy.
The veteran of the pair is myself, Jeff Musser, and I was a kid
collector in the 70’s and left the hobby in 1979. As most kid
collectors realized, other priorities peaked our interest such as college
and girls, so the beer cans fell to the back burner. I sold my
collection to buy a .22 rifle! However, the bug bit me again in
1989, as the can collecting habit reformed. Most of this collection
was aimed at the older cans and quite a collection was amassed. Much
experience was gained as approximately 40 collections were bought and
parted out to contribute to my collection. Then another of life’s
changes hit as a growing family needed a bigger house. I sold this
collection to contribute to the building of a new house. Now over
two years later, I am eager to build the third collection. With the
amount of time and effort put forth in the last twenty plus years, I am
very knowledgeable about cans and other breweriana items. I
currently collect Ohio IRTP labels, miniature bottles, various signs and
lithos, many different cans and even trays especially tip trays. As
a salesman of packaging equipment I cover many states, so traveling to
various locations is not a problem.
The webmaster of the site, since he is a computer programmer, is
Todd Sandomierski. Todd also was a kid collector in the mid 70’s who
lost interest in a similar fashion and rejoined the hobby in 2004.
About two years ago he began going to a few shows to meet the people who
really knew all about the hobby. He wanted to gain experience and
knowledge about the hobby and ultimately make new friends along the way.
His interests are Ohio Flats & Cones along with any flat or cone that strike his
fancy and a few breweriana pieces. You've probably seen him from his many shows across Michigan,
Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Canventions and the Blue-Gray show in Virginia.
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